Top albums écoutés en 2024 MAIS toutes années confondues

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Messages : 2837
Enregistré le : mer. 15 juil. 2020 16:37
Localisation : Ile-de-France

Éditions précédentes :

"Le plus important est toujours de se faire rire soi-même." bewyder
Messages : 2837
Enregistré le : mer. 15 juil. 2020 16:37
Localisation : Ile-de-France

Gabby's World - Two Mountains (2015)

… Indie folk très proche de la nature, par ses thématiques ^^ et son ambiance musicale.
Album très agréable et engageant, et différent de ses autres ...

Czarface - Czartificial Intelligence (2023)

… Album rap plutôt convaincant, même si pas transcendant. Des beats et des flows sympas, quelques mimiques phoniques rappelant Jay-Z ...

Gabby's World - O.K. (2015)
Gabby's World - Year Of The Rabbit (EP) (2016)
Gabby's World - Beast On Beast (2018)
Gabby's World - Gabby Sword (2023)

… De l'indie pop légère, toute mignonne et gentillette, quelques sonorités plus punchy par moments. Je suis bon public pour ceux-ci car la voix me plait bien et quelques airs captent.
Un bon titre se démarque dans le dernier : Open the door ...

Minhwi Lee - Hometown to Come (2023)

… Sorte de folk coréenne pour ascenseur, on s'ennuie gentiment ...

BONUS - pas écoutés entièrement : (Je n'ai pas topé ceux que j'ai stoppés au bout d'à peine quelques titres (de genres trop incompatibles avec moi, par exemple)
Sprints - Letter to Self (2024)

… Album punk rock too much pour moi ...
"Le plus important est toujours de se faire rire soi-même." bewyder
Messages : 2837
Enregistré le : mer. 15 juil. 2020 16:37
Localisation : Ile-de-France

Je connaissais assez mal Kate Bush… Je n'en ressors pas vraiment convaincu...

Gabby's World - Two Mountains (2015)

Czarface - Czartificial Intelligence (2023)
Extraa - Out of Phase (2023)

… De la pop à french accent, gentiment entrainante, parfois un peu psychée, je suis bon public :) ...

Gabby's World - O.K. (2015)
Gabby's World - Year Of The Rabbit (EP) (2016)
Gabby's World - Beast On Beast (2018)
Gabby's World - Gabby Sword (2023)
Kate Bush - Hounds of Love (1985)

… Album assez varié dans son style musical, bien plus art expé sur certains titres.
Je suis un peu partagé mais sympa ...

Kate Bush - The Sensual World (1989)
Kate Bush - The Red Shoes (1993)

… Albums sans doute plus conventionnels mais ils sont justement moins singuliers et de fait plus faciles d'accès que lorsque le style s'éparpille (cf. catégories ci-dessous) ...

Extraa - Baked (2020)

… Idem que leur suivant mais finalement peu accrocheur ...

Kate Bush - The Kick Inside (1978)
Kate Bush - Aerial (2005)

… Ca s'écoute sans problème mais du mal à être vraiment captivé sur la durée ...

Kate Bush - Never for Ever (1980)

… Album assez irrégulier à mon sens, du bon, du correct, du très moyen ...

Kate Bush - Lionheart (1978)
Kate Bush - The Dreaming (1982)

… Pas vraiment apprécié ceux-ci, que ce soit sur le chant ou la musique ...

Minhwi Lee - Hometown to Come (2023)

BONUS - pas écoutés entièrement : (Je n'ai pas topé ceux que j'ai stoppés au bout d'à peine quelques titres (de genres trop incompatibles avec moi, par exemple)
HOORSEES - Big (2024)

… Indie rock peu intéressante musicalement et aux chants pas à mon goût ...

Kate Bush - 50 Words for Snow (2011)

… Arf, pas réussi à tenir plus de 3-4 minutes les différents titres ...

Loveblaster - The Way Things Work (2024)

… Indie rock carrément slowcore, ça m'ennuie pas mal ...

Magma - Üdü wüdü (1976)

… Du rock progressif, dans son côté expé... difficile à déterminer, langage spécifique, des sonorités de jeux vidéos, d'animations ou émissions télé et autres bizarreries. Pas eu l'envie d'écouter chaque titre en entier... dans le fond, ça ne me capte pas du tout ...

Sprints - Letter to Self (2024)
"Le plus important est toujours de se faire rire soi-même." bewyder
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Skipper Mike
Messages : 464
Enregistré le : mar. 13 oct. 2020 00:07








:star: :star: :star: :star: :passtar:
1. Loss Of Life, MGMT (2024)
2. 新长征路上的摇滚, 崔健 (1989)
3. The Eternal, Sonic Youth (2009)

:star: :star: :star: :demistar: :passtar:
4. 島國之情歌: 再見, 我的愛人, 鄧麗君 (1975)
5. Vultures 1, ¥$ (2024)
6. Totally Stripped – Paris L’Olympia 1995, The Rolling Stones (2023)
7. New Sensations, Lou Reed (1984)
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Skipper Mike
Messages : 464
Enregistré le : mar. 13 oct. 2020 00:07







:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
1. Lil’ Beethoven, Sparks (2002)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :demistar:
2. Hello Young Lovers, Sparks (2006)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :passtar:
3. Loss Of Life, MGMT (2024)
4. 新长征路上的摇滚, 崔健 (1989)
5. The Eternal, Sonic Youth (2009)

:star: :star: :star: :demistar: :passtar:
6. The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, Sparks (2023)
7. Exotic Creatures Of The Deep, Sparks (2008)

8. 島國之情歌: 再見, 我的愛人, 鄧麗君 (1975)
9. The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, Sparks (2009)
10. Balls, Sparks (2000)

11. Vultures 1, ¥$ (2024)
12. Totally Stripped – Paris L’Olympia 1995, The Rolling Stones (2023)
13. New Sensations, Lou Reed (1984)
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Skipper Mike
Messages : 464
Enregistré le : mar. 13 oct. 2020 00:07








:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
1. Lil’ Beethoven, Sparks (2002)
2. Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, Devo (1978)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :demistar:
3. Hello Young Lovers, Sparks (2006)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :passtar:
4. Loss Of Life, MGMT (2024)
5. 新长征路上的摇滚, 崔健 (1989)
6. Pretty Hate Machine, Nine Inch Nails (1989)
7. The Eternal, Sonic Youth (2009)

:star: :star: :star: :demistar: :passtar:
8. act ii – COWBOY CARTER, Beyoncé (2024)
9. One Man Band Man, Swizz Beatz (2007)

10. The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, Sparks (2023)
11. Exotic Creatures Of The Deep, Sparks (2008)
12. 島國之情歌: 再見, 我的愛人, 鄧麗君 (1975)
13. The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, Sparks (2009)
14. act i – RENAISSANCE, Beyoncé (2022)
15. Felt Mountain, Goldfrapp (2000)

16. Balls, Sparks (2000)
17. Vultures 1, ¥$ (2024)
18. Totally Stripped – Paris L’Olympia 1995, The Rolling Stones (2023)
19. New Sensations, Lou Reed (1984)
20. Black Cherry, Goldfrapp (2003)
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Skipper Mike
Messages : 464
Enregistré le : mar. 13 oct. 2020 00:07






:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
1. Lil’ Beethoven, Sparks (2002)
2. Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, Devo (1978)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :demistar:
3. Hello Young Lovers, Sparks (2006)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :passtar:
4. Loss Of Life, MGMT (2024)
5. 新长征路上的摇滚, 崔健 (1989)
6. Beauty And The Beat, The Go-Go’s (1981)
7. Pretty Hate Machine, Nine Inch Nails (1989)
8. The Eternal, Sonic Youth (2009)

:star: :star: :star: :demistar: :passtar:
9. act ii – COWBOY CARTER, Beyoncé (2024)
10. Vacation, The Go-Go’s (1982)
11. One Man Band Man, Swizz Beatz (2007)
12. The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, Sparks (2023)
13. Exotic Creatures Of The Deep, Sparks (2008)
14. Talk Show, The Go-Go’s (1984)
15. 島國之情歌: 再見, 我的愛人, 鄧麗君 (1975)
16. The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, Sparks (2009)
17. act i – RENAISSANCE, Beyoncé (2022)
18. Felt Mountain, Goldfrapp (2000)
19. Balls, Sparks (2000)
20. Return To The Valley Of The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (1994)
21. Vultures 1, ¥$ (2024)
22. Totally Stripped – Paris L’Olympia 1995, The Rolling Stones (2023)
23. New Sensations, Lou Reed (1984)
24. God Bless The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (2001)
25. Black Cherry, Goldfrapp (2003)
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Messages : 479
Enregistré le : dim. 13 sept. 2020 16:51


Gras: albums découverts en 2024
Souligné: derniers albums ajoutés à la liste


1. Lost – The Final Episodes OST, Michael Giacchino


2. Lost – The Final Season OST, Michael Giacchino


3. Ratatouille OST, Michael Giacchino
4. DK Jamz – The Original Donkey Kong Country Soundtrack OST, David Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland
5. The Tailor of Panama OST, Shaun Davey
6. Marvel’s Spider-Man – Miles Morales OST, John Paesano
7. Neon Genesis Evangelion Addition OST, Various Artists


8. Tales from the Pitifulness / Last Silence Dream, Blod Besvimelse & Heroin Makes Happy
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Skipper Mike
Messages : 464
Enregistré le : mar. 13 oct. 2020 00:07











:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
1. Electric Warrior, T. Rex (1971)
2. Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, Devo (1978)
3. Lil’ Beethoven, Sparks (2002)
4. Red, King Crimson (1974)
5. Songs From A Room, Leonard Cohen (1969)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :demistar:
6. Vespertine, Björk (2001)
7. Hello Young Lovers, Sparks (2006)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :passtar:
8. Loss Of Life, MGMT (2024)
9. 新长征路上的摇滚, 崔健 (1989)
10. Beauty And The Beat, The Go-Go’s (1981)
11. The Hoople, Mott The Hoople (1974)
12. Us, Peter Gabriel (1992)
13. Life’s Too Good, The Sugarcubes (1988)

14. Pretty Hate Machine, Nine Inch Nails (1989)
15. The Eternal, Sonic Youth (2009)

:star: :star: :star: :demistar: :passtar:
16. Watermark, Enya (1988)
17. Ágætis byrjun, Sigur Rós (1999)
18. ( ), Sigur Rós (2002)

19. act ii – COWBOY CARTER, Beyoncé (2024)
20. Vacation, The Go-Go’s (1982)
21. One Man Band Man, Swizz Beatz (2007)
22. The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, Sparks (2023)
23. Exotic Creatures Of The Deep, Sparks (2008)
24. Talk Show, The Go-Go’s (1984)
25. 島國之情歌: 再見, 我的愛人, 鄧麗君 (1975)
26. The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, Sparks (2009)
27. act i – RENAISSANCE, Beyoncé (2022)
28. Felt Mountain, Goldfrapp (2000)
29. Balls, Sparks (2000)
30. Return To The Valley Of The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (1994)
31. VULTURES 1, ¥$ (2024)
32. Totally Stripped – Paris L’Olympia 1995, The Rolling Stones (2023)
33. New Sensations, Lou Reed (1984)
34. God Bless The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (2001)
35. Black Cherry, Goldfrapp (2003)
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Skipper Mike
Messages : 464
Enregistré le : mar. 13 oct. 2020 00:07











:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
1. Electric Warrior, T. Rex (1971)
2. Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, Devo (1978)
3. Lil’ Beethoven, Sparks (2002)
4. Red, King Crimson (1974)
5. Songs From A Room, Leonard Cohen (1969)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :demistar:
6. Vespertine, Björk (2001)
7. Hello Young Lovers, Sparks (2006)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :passtar:
8. Loss Of Life, MGMT (2024)
9. 新长征路上的摇滚, 崔健 (1989)
10. Beauty And The Beat, The Go-Go’s (1981)
11. The Hoople, Mott The Hoople (1974)
12. The Grateful Dead, Grateful Dead (1967)
13. Us, Peter Gabriel (1992)
14. Life’s Too Good, The Sugarcubes (1988)
15. Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey (2010)
16. Pretty Hate Machine, Nine Inch Nails (1989)
17. Watermark, Enya (1988)
18. Ágætis byrjun, Sigur Rós (1999)
19. ( ), Sigur Rós (2002)
20. Brat, Charli XCX (2024)
21. Jefferson Airplane Takes Off, Jefferson Airplane (1966)

22. The Eternal, Sonic Youth (2009)

:star: :star: :star: :demistar: :passtar:
23. act ii – COWBOY CARTER, Beyoncé (2024)
24. Vacation, The Go-Go’s (1982)
25. Mr. Tambourine Man, The Byrds (1965)
26. The Tubes, The Tubes (1975)

27. One Man Band Man, Swizz Beatz (2007)
28. The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, Sparks (2023)
29. Exotic Creatures Of The Deep, Sparks (2008)
30. Talk Show, The Go-Go’s (1984)
31. 島國之情歌: 再見, 我的愛人, 鄧麗君 (1975)
32. The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, Sparks (2009)
33. act i – RENAISSANCE, Beyoncé (2022)
34. Felt Mountain, Goldfrapp (2000)
35. Balls, Sparks (2000)
36. Supernature, Goldfrapp (2005)
37. Return To The Valley Of The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (1994)
38. VULTURES 1, ¥$ (2024)
39. Totally Stripped – Paris L’Olympia 1995, The Rolling Stones (2023)
40. New Sensations, Lou Reed (1984)
41. God Bless The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (2001)
42. Black Cherry, Goldfrapp (2003)

:star: :star: :star: :passtar: :passtar:
43. VULTURES 2, ¥$ (2024)
44. Cellophane Memories, Chrystabell & David Lynch (2024)
45. Poison, Swizz Beatz (2018)
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Skipper Mike
Messages : 464
Enregistré le : mar. 13 oct. 2020 00:07






:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
1. Electric Warrior, T. Rex (1971)
2. Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, Devo (1978)
3. Lil’ Beethoven, Sparks (2002)
4. Red, King Crimson (1974)
5. Songs From A Room, Leonard Cohen (1969)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :demistar:
6. Vespertine, Björk (2001)
7. Hello Young Lovers, Sparks (2006)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :passtar:
8. Loss Of Life, MGMT (2024)
9. 新长征路上的摇滚, 崔健 (1989)
10. Beauty And The Beat, The Go-Go’s (1981)
11. Duran Duran, Duran Duran (1981)
12. The Hoople, Mott The Hoople (1974)
13. Rio, Duran Duran (1982)
14. The Grateful Dead, Grateful Dead (1967)
15. Us, Peter Gabriel (1992)
16. Life’s Too Good, The Sugarcubes (1988)
17. Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey (2010)
18. Pretty Hate Machine, Nine Inch Nails (1989)
19. Watermark, Enya (1988)
20. Ágætis byrjun, Sigur Rós (1999)
21. ( ), Sigur Rós (2002)
22. Brat, Charli XCX (2024)
23. Jefferson Airplane Takes Off, Jefferson Airplane (1966)
24. The Eternal, Sonic Youth (2009)

:star: :star: :star: :demistar: :passtar:
25. act ii – COWBOY CARTER, Beyoncé (2024)
26. Vacation, The Go-Go’s (1982)
27. Mr. Tambourine Man, The Byrds (1965)
28. Big Thing, Duran Duran (1988)
29. The Tubes, The Tubes (1975)
30. One Man Band Man, Swizz Beatz (2007)
31. The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, Sparks (2023)
32. Exotic Creatures Of The Deep, Sparks (2008)
33. Talk Show, The Go-Go’s (1984)
34. 島國之情歌: 再見, 我的愛人, 鄧麗君 (1975)
35. The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, Sparks (2009)
36. Seven And The Ragged Tiger, Duran Duran (1983)
37. Notorious, Duran Duran (1986)

38. act i – RENAISSANCE, Beyoncé (2022)
39. Felt Mountain, Goldfrapp (2000)
40. Balls, Sparks (2000)
41. Supernature, Goldfrapp (2005)
42. Return To The Valley Of The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (1994)
43. VULTURES 1, ¥$ (2024)
44. Totally Stripped – Paris L’Olympia 1995, The Rolling Stones (2023)
45. New Sensations, Lou Reed (1984)
46. God Bless The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (2001)
47. Black Cherry, Goldfrapp (2003)

:star: :star: :star: :passtar: :passtar:
48. VULTURES 2, ¥$ (2024)
49. Cellophane Memories, Chrystabell & David Lynch (2024)
50. Poison, Swizz Beatz (2018)
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Messages : 479
Enregistré le : dim. 13 sept. 2020 16:51


Gras: albums découverts en 2024
Souligné: derniers albums ajoutés à la liste


1. Lost – The Final Episodes OST, Michael Giacchino


2. Lost – The Final Season OST, Michael Giacchino
3. House of the Dragon Season 1 OST, Ramin Djawadi
4. Death’s Door OST, David Fenn


5. Ratatouille OST, Michael Giacchino
6. We Wish You A Merry Christmas, John Williams & Boston Pops Orchestra
7. Wanted OST, Danny Elfman

8. DK Jamz – The Original Donkey Kong Country Soundtrack OST, David Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland
9. Deadpool & Wolverine – Madonna’s « Like a Prayer » EP OST, Madonna
10. Mamma Mia! OST, Björn Ulvaeus & Benny Anderson
11. When Marnie Was There Song Album – Just Know That I Love You, Priscilla Ahn
12. They Live OST, John Carpenter & Alan Howarth

13. The Tailor of Panama OST, Shaun Davey
14. Marvel’s Spider-Man – Miles Morales OST, John Paesano
15. Monk OST, Jeff Beal
16. Stereophonic Musical Listenings That Have Been Origin in Moving Film – Borat – Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan OST, Various Artists
17. Disney Speedstorm OST, Various Artists
18. Devil May Cry – Dangerous Hits, Various Artists

19. Neon Genesis Evangelion Addition OST, Various Artists


20. Tales from the Pitifulness / Last Silence Dream, Blod Besvimelse & Heroin Makes Happy
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Skipper Mike
Messages : 464
Enregistré le : mar. 13 oct. 2020 00:07












:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
1. Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, Devo (1978)
2. Pornography, The Cure (1982)
3. Lil’ Beethoven, Sparks (2002)
4. Electric Warrior, T. Rex (1971)
5. Red, King Crimson (1974)
6. Songs From A Room, Leonard Cohen (1969)
7. No Name, Jack White (2024)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :demistar:
8. Vespertine, Björk (2001)
9. Hello Young Lovers, Sparks (2006)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :passtar:
10. Loss Of Life, MGMT (2024)
11. 新长征路上的摇滚, 崔健 (1989)
12. Beauty And The Beat, The Go-Go’s (1981)
13. Duran Duran, Duran Duran (1981)
14. One Hand Clapping, Paul McCartney and Wings (2024)
15. The Hoople, Mott The Hoople (1974)
16. Rio, Duran Duran (1982)
17. Songs Of A Lost World, The Cure (2024)
18. The Grateful Dead, Grateful Dead (1967)
19. Us, Peter Gabriel (1992)
20. Life’s Too Good, The Sugarcubes (1988)
21. Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey (2010)
22. Kala, M.I.A. (2007)
23. Pretty Hate Machine, Nine Inch Nails (1989)
24. Watermark, Enya (1988)
25. Come Ahead, Primal Scream (2024)
26. Ágætis byrjun, Sigur Rós (1999)
27. ( ), Sigur Rós (2002)
28. Brat, Charli XCX (2024)
29. Jefferson Airplane Takes Off, Jefferson Airplane (1966)
30. The Eternal, Sonic Youth (2009)

:star: :star: :star: :demistar: :passtar:
31. act ii – COWBOY CARTER, Beyoncé (2024)
32. Vacation, The Go-Go’s (1982)
33. Mr. Tambourine Man, The Byrds (1965)
34. Living In The Material World, George Harrison (1973)
35. Pub Royal, Les Cowboys Fringants (2024)

36. One Man Band Man, Swizz Beatz (2007)
37. The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, Sparks (2023)
38. Luck and Strange, David Gilmour (2024)
39. Big Thing, Duran Duran (1988)
40. The Tubes, The Tubes (1975)
41. Exotic Creatures Of The Deep, Sparks (2008)
42. Talk Show, The Go-Go’s (1984)
43. 島國之情歌: 再見, 我的愛人, 鄧麗君 (1975)
44. The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, Sparks (2009)
45. Reverberations (Travelling In Time), Primal Scream (2023)
46. Seven And The Ragged Tiger, Duran Duran (1983)
47. The Top, The Cure (1984)
48. Notorious, Duran Duran (1986)
49. act i – RENAISSANCE, Beyoncé (2022)
50. Felt Mountain, Goldfrapp (2000)
51. Balls, Sparks (2000)
52. Supernature, Goldfrapp (2005)
53. Return To The Valley Of The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (1994)
54. VULTURES 1, ¥$ (2024)
55. Totally Stripped – Paris L’Olympia 1995, The Rolling Stones (2023)
56. New Sensations, Lou Reed (1984)
57. God Bless The Go-Go’s, The Go-Go’s (2001)
58. Black Cherry, Goldfrapp (2003)

:star: :star: :star: :passtar: :passtar:
59. VULTURES 2, ¥$ (2024)
60. Cellophane Memories, Chrystabell & David Lynch (2024)
61. Poison, Swizz Beatz (2018)